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Why you need to know about epigenetics!

Do you ever have conversations that go like this :

"How are you so smart?"

"OH, it's just in my genes"

"Wow your skin is perfect"

"It just runs in the family"

"How is your hair that soft?"

"I don't know, I just have good genes I guess"

And you keep wondering "why don't I have better genes?" Or "I wish I had better genes"

What if I told you ... you can.

Now hear me out, I'm not saying you can completely change your genetic structure to become a whole new person.

What I'm saying is, what if there was a way we could turn on your good genes and turn off your bad ones? Because there is a way, and I'm going to tell you all about it.

The secret to better genes is: Epigenetics. The epigenome is what surrounds our genes.

It is the environment that our genes bathe in that signals particular genes to turn on and off.

That is why you need to know about epigenetics because once you master your epigenome, your life will be set in place and you will become a better version of yourself.

I know I did.

Because, if we put ourselves in a better environment our genes get the signal to better themselves. Now you may be wondering 'how do I put myself in a better environment' or 'what does this epigenetics even mean and why is it changing my genes?'.

Well, all these are great questions and I'd love to answer them all. But it's not possible to dive into the vast field of epigenetics in a small blog post.

This is why I've created my e-book. Epigenetics and You: by Kareena Kale.

This e-book dives deeper into the field of epigenetics so that you understand what epigenetics is and how it helps you. Moreover, it also explains how nutrition affects your epigenetics and how you can take advantage of it. There's more, this book also talks about the infamous benefits of antioxidants and lists over 30 foods you can eat to optimize your wellbeing.

Also, did you know you need over 50 essential nutrients to unlock the benefits of the foods you eat?. This is why I've created an Essential Nutrients Checklist wherein I list all the 50 nutrients you need to optimize your health. The best part? You get this Checklist as a bonus if you buy the Epigenetics and You E-book.

So what are you waiting for? Buy my E-book and checklist bundle today! You will also receive a weekly meal planner as a bonus for FREE.

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